Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been the victim of an auto accident, you may need to speak with a car accident lawyer from our firm. At HSJ Law, our law firm is proud to provide our clients with exceptional legal representation during the difficult time following an accident. Give us a call at 250-565-8000 to set up your free consultation- we work on a contingency basis, so there’s no out-of-pocket expenses until you collect.

What Kind Of Situations Warrant The Services Of A Car Accident Lawyer?

Been in an auto accident is arguably the most frightening event (due to the shock and severity of the crash). When an individual is seriously injured following an auto crash, his or her first thought is to seek medical treatment and focus on recovery. After which they consider filing an auto accident claim.

It is important to indicate that it is not all scenarios that may warrant consulting a car accident lawyer to file a lawsuit. This content explains situations where a car accident injury and damages can warrant the services of a car accident lawyer to file a lawsuit.

A Car Crash That Was Not Your Fault

If you have been involved in an auto accident that wasn’t your fault, then you are entitled to consulting a car accident lawyer to file a lawsuit. If you sustained injuries due to the accident (no matter how minor it may be), you have to consult a car accident lawyer. If your injuries are minor, you may feel tempted to settle immediately, but this isn’t advised. Your injuries can worsen in the coming weeks, and if you have already received settlement, you will not be able to get the compensation you are due.

When The Party At Fault Doesn’t Have Insurance

Another situation where it would be wise to speak with a car accident attorney is when the at-fault party in a vehicle accident didn’t have any insurance. Because you will not be able to negotiate your settlement using a claim adjuster, your best choice is to seek compensation via a trial. Also, if the insurance company of the at-fault driver won’t give you what you deserve, you might want to speak with a car accident attorney. You might be entitled to compensation.

If You Were Injured in A Business Establishment

Stores, restaurants, and other business establishments are legally liable for setting up and maintaining a safe space or environment for their customers and employees. Failure to do this can result in slips, and falls, or other accidents. Whether it is a liquid spill on the floor, bunched up floor mat, a poor lighting system, unsafe actions of an employee, or display items placed dangerously, a business’s negligence can cause you great injury.

If you have been injured due to a business’s negligence, no matter how the situation is, you are likely going to be entitled to compensation. Following the injury, you should inform the business, seek the necessary medical attention, and consult a personal injury attorney in your area.

You Were Attacked By A Pet Belonging To Another Person

You were attacked by your neighbor’s pet. Maybe you were just at your neighbor’s home for a cookout. You have suffered physically and likely, emotionally and you require medical attention due to the incident. If this is the situation, you might be entitled to compensation. You can file a lawsuit against the pet’s owner. Your auto accident lawyer can help you decide whether the owner was negligent and if so, make sure you get the kind of compensation you deserve.

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